Raisin.ai has recently joined Codata, a French “Do Tank” to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, formed up by several data experts and entrep... Read More
Claude Seyrat, the CEO of Raisin.ai, has been appointed to Stanford University's Seed Consultant program. In his role he will help companies in the emerging markets to re-structure their product lines and grow their business. "Our approach at raisin.ai on building products ... Read More
Vous avez une idée novatrice pour créer une entreprise, mais vous vous demandez quel est le meilleur moyen de lui donner vie ?
Notre séminaire “Transformez vos idées en projets innovants” est fait pour vous! Le Mardi 9 Mars 2021, de 12h à 13h30:
Le Pôle ... Read More