Our strength is in replicating validated processes

and we are always on a lookout for good people


You have an idea or project in AI, Telecom, or Fintech

If need to find a co-founding team for your cool project.

Are looking for specific expertise in your startup.


You want to create a successful spinoff from a promising project.

Start-up-as-a-service makes best sense for your business idea.

You get that innovation is a process - and you want to train your team to fly solo fast!


You are looking for interesting deep tech startups to invest in.

You want the flexibility to invest through small tickets.

You want to reduce your risk and hence participate via a startup studio.


You want to work in a high-potential project.

You have the opportunity to work in various projects that all can use your expertise.

You want to make a real impact and be important part of the team.

raisin.ai is a deep tech start-up studio.

Lets discuss how to disrupt the market!